[全款 第二批 裸专 截止13日早上07点] PIXY - 迷你专辑 Vol.2 [TEMPTATION]_DreamsFuture_金京主资源博
[全款 第二批 裸专 截止13日早上07点] PIXY - 迷你专辑 Vol.2 [TEMPTATION]_DreamsFuture_金京主资源博

RMB 87.69

PIXY - 迷你专辑 Vol.2 [TEMPTATION] (A Ver.)
售销记录 : 0
PIXY - 迷你专辑 Vol.2 [TEMPTATION] (B Ver.)
售销记录 : 0



* The outer case is just for protecting goods. (scratches and discoloration on the case can not be the reason for exchanging or returning

- BOX 160 X 220 X 25mm
- PHOTOBOOK 106P 145*205 (The image of the versions are different.)
- CD 1CASE 125*125 (Same Image)
- PHOTO CARD 55*85 Random 2p out of each version 6p
- TAROT CARD 70*150 Random 1p out of each version 6p
- FOLDING WORLDVIEW CARD 410*205 (Same Image)
- LENTICULAR CARD 54*86 Random 1p out of each version 6p
- STICKER Each version 1p
- Pre-order benefit Poster Each version 1p
(Each version 1500P All 3000P (국2절 SIZE 468 x 636))

1. Intro (End of the forest)
2. (Title) 중독 (Addicted)
3. (Title) Bewitched
4. Moonlight
5. Still with me (To.Winxy)
6. Bewitched (Eng Ver.)
7. Moonlight (Eng Ver.)
8. Bewitched (Inst.)
9. 중독 (Addicted) (Inst.)


떠오르는 신예 글로벌 다크 돌, PIXY(픽시)
PIXY(픽시) Fairy forest의 마지막 이야기 End of the forest
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”) 발매!!
걸그룹 PIXY(픽시)가 미니앨범 (Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”)로 돌아왔다.
2021년 2월 데뷔하여 벌써 3번째 활동으로 쉴 틈 없이 달려가는 PIXY(픽시)는, 파워풀한 퍼포먼스와 신인답지 않은 무대로 가요계 관계자들뿐만 아니라 팬들의 시선 또한 단숨에 사로잡은 바 있다.
지난 (Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”)의 준수한 앨범 판매량을 기록하며 신인으로서 우수한 성적을 거둔 PIXY(픽시)는 무서운 기세로 행보를 이어 나가고 있다.
특히 이번 앨범은 한층 업그레이드된 독특한 세계관과 콘셉트로 이들의 마지막 여정을 고스란히 담았고, 이번 세계관 역시 PIXY(픽시)의 샛별이 참여함으로써 스토리에 몰입도를 더했다.
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”)는 더블 타이틀곡 “Addicted”,"Bewitched"를 비롯하여 화려한 수록곡들로 구성되어 있으며, 마녀에게 중독되어 집어 삼켜지는 세계관이 담긴 가사가 인상적이다.
또한 이번 앨범에는 PIXY(픽시)를 사랑하는 전 세계 팬들을 위하여 Bewitched, Moonlight의 영어 버전과 팬들에게 보내는 곡인 Still with me (To.Winxy)를 특별한 선물로 준비했다.
PIXY(픽시)는 Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”  앨범에서 탄탄하고 퀄리티 높은 앨범 구성으로 극찬을 받은 바 있어 이번 앨범 역시 기대를 모으고 있다.
지난 Fairy forest 챕터에서 마녀의 유혹으로 인해 선과 악이 나뉘는 과정을 보여주었다.
PIXY(픽시)의 다정은 마녀에게 유혹 당해 멤버들 간의 혼란을 속삭였고 이는 요정들을 서로 의심하게 하여 디아를 보랏빛 절벽에 바치게 만들었다.
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”)는 절벽에서 떨어져 눈을 뜬 디아를 시점으로 이야기가 이어진다.
선과 악의 탄생을 보여주는 이번 챕터는 독약을 마신 디아가 중독된 듯 거침없이 뛰어가는 모습으로 시작된다.
무엇을 향해 뛰는 걸까? 디아의 입을 막던 나비는 독약을 마시지 못하게 지켜주려던 걸까?
죄책감에 시달리며 디아의 발자국을 따라 숲의 끝자락에 선 요정들은 새로운 이야기를 향해 문을 열려 한다.
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”)
PIXY is D_answer!! 매 앨범마다 주목받고 있는 올라트 엔터테인먼트 총괄 프로듀서 Kevin D(D_answer)와 D_answer의 Glow , Dr.j, LUZY는 이번 앨범에서
Fairy forest의 마지막 이야기를 위해 끊임없이 PIXY(픽시) 와 소통하며 이들의 유니크한 색깔을 빠짐없이 담아내기 위해 심혈을 기울였다.
또한, PIXY(픽시)와 데뷔부터 호흡을 맞추며 함께 해온 MOTF(Men of the future)가 퍼포먼스 디렉터로 참여하여 완성도 높은 퍼포먼스를 선사하였다.
이러한 모두의 열정과 노력이 새로운 여정을 기다리는 PIXY(픽시)의 날개가 되어주기를 희망해 본다.
-media public relations
Monster K, Dragonfly, Aileen H, Big Foot @Rocket Launcher
Exclusive Producer : Kevin D(D_answer)
1. Intro (End of the forest)
웅장한 사운드 위에 악의 멤버들이 각 세계관의 내레이션 속삭이며 긴장감을 더하고 Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”의 곡 제목들을 노랫말처럼 나열하며 곡이 시작된다.
타이틀곡 중독(Addicted) 테마 사운드가 곡의 분위기를 고조시키며 트렌디한 멜로디 라인이 이번 앨범의 이야기를 전하며 새로운 여정의 문을 연다.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Recording Engineer Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer) at Allart studio
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Guiter Nomal(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
2. (Title) 중독 (Addicted)
첫 번째 타이틀곡 “중독 (Addicted)”은 트랩 비트의 힙합으로, 챕터의 마지막을 강렬하게 장식할 곡이다.
마녀에게 중독 되어가는 PIXY(픽시)의 감정을 담아낸 노랫말은 다시 한번 데뷔곡 “날개”의 전율을 느끼게 해줄 것이다.
중독성 강한 테마와 강렬한 래핑, 심장소리와 같은 비트가 긴장감을 고조시키며 몰입도를 높인다.
완벽한 팀워크로 완성해낸 고난도의 퍼포먼스는 PIXY(픽시)의 상징이 될 것이다.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
3. (Title) Bewitched
PIXY(픽시)의 유니크한 음색과 트랜디함을 보여줄 수 있는 모던한 팝 R&B 곡이다.
‘눈을 감은 채 너의 손을 꽉 잡지’ 점점 마녀의 유혹에 빠져드는 과정을 보여주며 결국 모든 것을 허락하는 듯한 가사가 인상적이다.
PIXY(픽시) 엘라, 디아 가 직접 가이드 보컬로 참여하고 곡의 디렉팅 또한 함께하며 프로듀싱의 능력을 선보인 곡으로써, PIXY(픽시) 곡 해석 능력을 보여주었다.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
4. Moonlight
PIXY(픽시)를 따라다니던 "붉은 달"이 드디어 눈을 뜨고 PIXY(픽시)는 달빛과 함께 춤을 춘다.
처음으로 디스코라는 장르에 도전하여 PIXY(픽시)의 새로운 매력을 보여주었으며, 모든 것을 내려놓고 마음껏 춤을 추는 PIXY(픽시)의 모습을 표현한 곡이다.
6명의 요정들이 날개 달린 다이아를 찾아 잠입하여 다양한 상황을 극복하는 내용의 일러스트 뮤직비디오 또한 기대를 모은다.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Bass Guitar by 박규태
Chorus 엘라(ELLA), 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
5. Still with me (To.Winxy)
데뷔 와 동시에 마스크를 쓰고 팬 들을 만날 수 없었다. 볼 수 있지만 만질 수 없고, 들리지만 느낄 수 없는 안타까운 감정을 노래했다.
혼란과 외로움 그리고 열정과 사랑. 팬들과 함께 느끼고, 나누고 싶었던 이야기들을 가사에 담아 결국 우리는 함께라는 진심을 팬들에게 보내본다.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer), 임영우
Recording Engineer Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer) at Allart studio
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
6. Bewitched (Eng Ver.)
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), Jasmine
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
7. Moonlight (Eng Ver.)
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer), Jasmine
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Bass Guitar by 박규태
Chorus 엘라(ELLA), 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
8. Bewitched (Inst.)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
9. 중독 (Addicted) (Inst.)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Addicted music chart credits
PIXY, the rising global rookie idol
The last chapter of PIXY Fairy forest, End of the Forest
(Chapter03. Fairy Forest “Temptation”) release!!
The girl group PIXY has come back with their single album (Chapter03. Fairy Forest “Temptation”).
Working non stop and with their third release after their debut in February 2021, they captured not only their fans attention but the industry once again with their powerful performance and professional stage presence.
With their previous album sales for (Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”), PIXY has showed outstanding results as a rookie girl group and is progressing further on.
This album has especially upgraded in its particular conceptual world, exploring their last journey within it and has increased its spectrum with PIXY’s member Saetbyul’s continuous contribution.
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”) consists of a double title track, “Addicted’ and “Bewitched”, as well as other impressive B-side tracks storytelling their engulfing addiction towards the witch through the lyrics.
Also in the album there consists of a track called “Still with me (To.Winxy)” as a gift to the fans as well as two english versions of the title tracks “Addicted’ and “Bewitched”, dedicated to the global fans who love PIXY.
PIXY is gaining high expectations in the high quality and solid structure as praised for their album Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”.
In the last Fairy forest chapter, it shows the witch’s influence and progress in the division of good and evil.
PIXY’s Dajeong spreads confusion within the members after being seduced by the witch, therefore causing suspicion, leading Dia into being sacrificed to the purple cliff.
In (Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”), the story is told in the perspective of Dia after she awakes from falling off the cliff.
Showcasing the upbringing of good and evil in this chapter, it begins with Dia running, poisoned from the addiction of the witch’s venom.
What could she be running towards? Could the butterfly masking Dia’s mouth be protecting her from being further poisoned?
Drenched in guilt, the other fairies follow the footprints Dia has left behind and walks towards the door to this new journey.
(Chapter03. Fairy forest “Temptation”)
PIXY is D_answer!! With every album our AllArtEntertainment executive producers Kevin D(D_answer) and D_answer members Glow, Dr.j, and LUZY bring out their unique colors as hardworking producers, gaining attention through their contribution and communication with PIXY in completing the last stories of Fairy forest.
PIXY also continues their collaboration since debut, with MOTF(Men of the future), contributing as performance directors further perfecting their performance.
The ambition and hard work of all contributors are the wings and hopes of PIXY’s next journey in the industry.
-media public relations
Monster K, Dragonfly, Aileen H, Big Foot @Rocket Launcher
Exclusive Producer : Kevin D(D_answer)
1. Intro (End of the forest)
The intro starts with suspenseful whispers of the members’ evil narrations on a majestic sound track, and continues with a melodic alignment of the song titles in the album Chapter02. Fairy forest “Bravery”.
The theme sound in the title “Addicted” increases the tension of the piece and story tells into the new journey of the album with its trendy melodic lines.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer)
Recording Engineer Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer) at Allart studio
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Guitar Nomal(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
2. (Title) Addicted
The first title “Addicted” is a hip hop song, specifically trap, and is the main song to strongly showcase the last chapter.
Reminded of the energy in their debut song “Wings”, it brings back the feeling into an interpretation of PIXY’s addiction towards the witch.
Like the message, the addictive rap and overall concept supported by a heartbeat-like track and increases the tension.
Perfect teamwork has completed this advanced performance and will become symbolic to PIXY.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
3. (Title) Bewitched
This modern pop R&B song displays PIXY’s unique and trendy vocals.
‘eyes closed, I tightly hold your hands’ the process of the witch gradually seducing the fairies is shown and the extravagant lyrical interpretation expresses a type of freedom.
PIXY’s Ella and Dia has contributed in singing the guide vocals as well as directing, displaying talent in producing and musical interpretation.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
4. Moonlight
The ‘red moon’ that has been following PIXY has finally opened its eyes and together, they dance in the moonlight.
As PIXY’s first introduction to the disco genre, a new ambience to PIXY is discovered and is explored through the message in which the fairies let everything go and dance their emotions out.
The music video tells an illustrated story on the six fairies going on a hideout to look for Dia with wings, displaying different scenarios they overcome to achieve their goal.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Bass Guitar by 박규태
Chorus 엘라(ELLA), 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
5. Still with me (To.Winxy)
With PIXY’s debut, mask mandates and restrictions didn’t allow for them to meet their fans, Winxy. This song captures the unfortunate emotions of being able to see but not touch, and being able to hear but not feel.
This lonely confusion and passionate love. With the fans, we share this feeling and story through the lyrics in genuine hopes that this song will connect us together.
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer), 임영우
Recording Engineer Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer) at Allart studio
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 엘라(ELLA),디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
6. Bewitched (Eng Ver.)
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), Jasmine
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Chorus 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
7. Moonlight (Eng Ver.)
Lyrics by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer), Jasmine
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Recording Engineer 이평욱 at 드림팩토리
Vocal Director Kevin D(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Bass Guitar by 박규태
Chorus 엘라(ELLA), 디아(DIA) of PIXY(픽시), Kevin D(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
8. Bewitched (Inst.)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer)
Mixing Engineer 녹차횽
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
9. 중독 (Addicted) (Inst.)
Composed by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Arranged by Kevin D(D_answer), Glow(D_answer), Dr.J(D_answer), LUZY(D_answer)
Piano 임영우
Mixing Engineer 고현정 at Koko Sound
Mastering Engineer 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering


■ 配送
- Ktown4u为每一位顾客精心包装后进行配送。
- 配送日以营业日为准,根据实际库存及地区快递公司情况会发生延迟。
- 购买多个商品时,若其中包括入库延迟商品,则确保所有商品的库存后以合并配送方式进行配送。
- 出库日程根据订单情况会发生变动。
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- 限于特定国家,可能得不到VAT规定适用。
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- 破损:配送日(预计发货时间)起14日内可申请售后处理
- 遗失:配送日(预计发货时间)起 30日内可申请售后处理
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■ 取消订单
- 付款后想要取消订单的话,在我的页面点击“申请取消”键即可进行取消申请。
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- 订单状态为“订单”或“正在准备商品”时可取消订单, 为活动征集购买或“正在准备配送”状态时不能申请取消。
- 申请取消后,订单取消在营业日为准的2天之内依次进行,且根据付款方式,退款处理以取消订单日为基准,3~7个营业日进行处理(周末节假日除外)
- 配送待出库及正在准备配送状态等配送开始后,不能更改配送地址或申请取消。
- 其他询问事项请先登录后网页后通过右下角对话浮窗的CS Talk进行询问。
- 未付款的话2个小时后订单自动取消后,之后付款也不能自动恢复订单。
- 根据商品特殊性,可以申请部分退款。
■ 换货/退款说明
- 在商品说明中有关于换货/退货相关的说明时,以说明为优先,而不是以下内容。(会根据公司情况发生变动。)
- 收货后14天以内可申请换货与退款,而属于如下情况时不能换货/退货。
* 过了可以换货/退货的期限时
* 毁坏可以复制的商品等的包装时:例如)CD/LP、 DVD/Blu-ray、软件、漫画书、杂志和视频画报集
* 因购买者个人原因造成的商品损坏时将不予以退换货
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- 生成订单后,无法进行多个订单的合并包装与合并配送。
- 生成订单后,不能变更为其他商品或变更商品选项。请取消订单后再进行选购。
- 换货与退款会在退货商品到达以后进行处理,未收到退货商品时,不能进行商品对换或换为其他商品。
■ 遗漏/破损/质量不良说明
- 为了对商品的遗漏/破损/质量不良而进行换货及退货处理,需要从打开商品时开始拍摄的开箱视频。请在打开商品时,务必进行拍摄。
- 出现遗漏/破损/质量不良时,请对开箱视频的内容进行部分截图,并一起提供购买的商品、遗漏的商品及构成和数量及图像,在Ktown4u网站下方的CS Talk进行咨询的话,我们将帮助您进行处理。
- 商品的构成品(专辑、周边产品和杂志全部包括在内)出现轻微的划痕、污染和折叠为制作方面的问题,因此无法进行换货与退货。
- 商品的外箱为保护商品而存在,因此无法因在流通过程中发生的污染及破损而进行换货及退货。
- CD/LP, DVD/Blu-ray 等专辑上的细微划痕等不可进行退换货。

- 文字评论: 100积分/ 图片评论: 300积分/ 视频评论: 500积分
- 月度 第一名: 5000积分 / 第二名: 3000积分 / 第三名: 2000积分
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- 在评论审核通过后5个工作日内累积积分。
- 在单个订单中最多可使用10000积分。
- 退货或删除评论时可能要返还因写评论而获得的积分。
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- 评论可在配送完成之日起90天内发表。
- 照片/视频上传时容量最大不得超过500MB.
- 评论字数20字以上,但由特殊文字或符号组成,无法得知您的使用感受并与商品无关或重复的内容可能会被限制上传。
- 上传的照片是网站截图,光线较暗导致画质模糊难以辨认商品,而且仅拍摄快递箱但没有展示商品的评论可能会被限制上传。
- 对于视频评论开箱后重拍或截图拍摄非实际商品的电子设备的画面而制作的视频、画面倒立或倾斜导致商品难以辨认的视频可能会被限制上传。
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- [物流] : 仁川广域市北航路120号街 55, 9层 49号 (22853)